Don't Be Afraid To Be You
I’m. 👏 Back. 👏 Baby. 👏 Somewhat, anyway. 🤓 It’s been a year since I was in the hospital. 🤕 And, while I’m still recovering, it’s about damn time I did my nails again. 💅 I look at it as a baby step, but an important one, to getting myself back in order and feeling how I want to feel. 💪 That said, don’t ever let anyone make you afraid to be you. ❤️
Thanks so much for stopping by – it was great to meet you! Maybe we’ll run into each other again some time. =)
Had a great evening at Dimitri’s last night and meeting you and Angela made it that much more special!
Go in peace my friends and keep-on-keeping-on🪬☮️
Was truly a pleasure👍
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