What is the history behind graffiti?

So far at EGOPROOF, we have talked about many topics related to art and street fashion, but we have not immersed ourselves in the history of graffiti. So what is the history behind graffiti? There are many absorbing curiosities that you like to know if you like street art since graffiti is the main art expression of this artistic current. Stay on the EGOPROOF blog and keep reading to learn more about graffiti's history. Are you ready? Scroll down. Here we go!


What is the meaning behind graffiti?

It is essential to answer some pending questions to know the history behind graffiti. First of all, we must clarify that graffiti was initially considered a social statement. For a long time, that was considered an illegal and vandal act. However, now, graffiti is also considered an artistic expression. Many graffiti still have a social intention since their roots have yet to be lost. However, they no longer only focus on that. Now we can also get one hundred percent artistic motifs in the graffiti. Have you wondered about the origin of this artistic technique? In a previous blog, we commented that it has its roots in the Roman Empire, but why? Because back then, public places and walls were adorned with prophecies, protests, or announcements to share with citizens.


It is how the main objective of graffiti is mainly artistic expression and dissemination to change, evolve or publicize a point of view and ideology. That is, graffiti works as a means of social protest. Thanks to this, urban graffiti is an expression against marginalization or oppression. Thus, graffiti is an art that is not only limited to expressing the visual elements that we all see. A viewer can also absorb a series of emotions from this artistic expression. For that reason, graffiti also has a significant presence in urban fashion, where the expression of the individual is sought. Do you like street fashion? You can access the EGOPROOF catalog by clicking here. That way, you can find streetwear, clothes, and accessories!


What was the original purpose of graffiti?

To continue learning about the history behind graffiti, we are going to delve into the original purpose of graffiti. As we already said, graffiti is born with the idea of transmitting concepts and opinions with their visual representations, taking the opportunity to make social criticisms of the moment. In its beginnings, graffiti was only done on walls, subway stations, and trains, which meant that society's conception of it could have been more positive. Also, remember that walls shout what the media silences. It means graffiti is a form of protest in the face of repressive regimes that censor the press.


But with the passage of time and essential artists of the urban current, graffiti managed to enter exhibitions and contests and give a twist to the image that they had created from the beginning. Although they maintain their objective of communicating social disgust, graffiti can also have a purely artistic motive today. If you like urban fashion, access the EGOPROOF catalog by clicking here to buy urban fashion garments and accessories with a significant social focus today: mental health.


Why does graffiti have a bad reputation?

We can only talk about the history behind graffiti if we talk about why it gets a bad reputation. This artistic expression has a bad reputation because when artists do their graffiti on walls of private property, it is considered an act of trespassing. Hence it got a bad reputation as an act of vandalism. For this reason, a current debate has been generated since graffiti began to be on the walls of urban areas: is it art or vandalism? Some city councils decided to set up spaces where young people could express themselves through graffiti, and most began to penalize this practice, believing that it only serves to deteriorate facades and streets.


However, that could also be called into question since many urban works belong to well-known street artists, and instead of lowering the cost of ownership, they increase it. But obviously, that depends on the look you decide to observe. However, over time, in many cities around the world (for example, in the cities of the United States), urban art is more valued than people think, so it is far, at least for many, from being considered an act of vandalism. Remember that you can find streetwear fashion products from the EGOPROOF brand by clicking here. Buy and join the initiative that motivates the brand: mental health care!


What are the types of graffiti?

It is significant to mention the types of graffiti that exist to have a complete picture of the history behind graffiti. There are three types of graffiti, although there are no strictly established rules for each one, so they could be considered as parts of a whole. Know with us the three types of graffiti that exist! And remember that here you can access the EGOPROOF catalog if you want to wear streetwear fashion. Let’s see!




Art Graffiti is associated with the hip-hop culture of the 70s and 80s in the United States. It tends to represent more or less abstract motifs, names, or recurring messages, and it always does so through a display of colors and shapes. 




In Public, Grafitti appears as the public motto of a city. In addition, they reiterate slogans or political messages, more or less satirical or rude, trying to give advice to the masses. Protest graffiti also falls into this category.




It is the name given to the little elaborated, rude, and generally low-class graffiti that predominates in public bathrooms and transit spaces, such as doors, elevators, trains, etc. They can range from confessions of love, threats, and complaints to attempts at poetry or storytelling. On some occasions, it is considered amateur graffiti.


What is the history behind graffiti? Graffiti is already an artistic expression of urban art that, since its origins, has been used as a means of protestant expression. However, thanks to renowned artists, graffiti has stopped being considered just an illegal act, making it possible for it to be appreciated for what it is: urban art pieces. Do you like art and street fashion? Dress your favorite fashion with EGOPROOF! Here you get streetwear clothes and accessories ready for you to wear. Also, by doing so, you would be part of the brand's initiative: mental health care. What are you waiting to do it? Click here now! See you in the next EGOPROOF blog.

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